When I was like 9 or 10, I set out to earn enough Chuck E. Cheese tickets to get a disco ball. The disco ball cost about 4,000 tickets so it took a little over a year to save up. Every birthday party or special event I would only play the games that would produce (on average) the highest possible ticket return.
Finally, I got my disco ball. I don’t know exactly where it is right now (probably in my parent’s basement) but for years I kept it on a shelf in my room and would turn it on from time to time just to remind myself that I set out to do something and did it. Now that’s a good feeling.
Well, our EP is finally out (amazon.com… http://www.amazon.com/the-hardest-questions-ep/dp/B003JMTN8Q/).
Since last October, we’ve been biting at the bit to get this thing out to you guys and we’ve been dreaming about it l o n g before that. The culmination of about a year of developing, planning, and saving is finally about to pay off.
This EP is like a Chuck E. Cheese disco ball only on a much larger scale. We are proud of our hard work and very thankful that God has blessed us with this great opportunity.
So what about you? Is there a Chuck E. Cheese disco ball moment in your life? In my opinion, it’s ok to take pride in hard work so please share.
(The Corners)