Sunday, April 11, 2010

Bare Feet and the Work of God

Shoes are dumb. I'm not a fan.
Once a week I go out to the park and play ultimate frisbee with some friends. For me, this simply cannot be done with shoes on my feet.
{insert pic of my gross feet after playing ultimate}

This is all beside the point of the song, but I do find spending time on your own two feet a very healthy activity.
The song I wrote is actually based around a poem by Elizabeth Barret Browning:

Earth's crammed with heaven
And every common bush afire with God;
But only he who sees, takes off his shoes,
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries,
And daub their natural faces unaware
More and more from the first similitude.

The second I read those first three lines, I knew I'd write a song about it after I'd had enough time to chew it over and think about all that it means.
This poem and song are both referring to Moses and the burning bush. God told Moses to take off his shoes. God told him he was standing on holy ground. Moses' trust in God went far beyond his own understanding of how things in life are "supposed" to work.
So where has all this holy ground gone? I say, "the burning bush is still burning bright." Our society is growing increasingly skeptical of anything that a human can't understand or explain, but this doesn't leave any space for a loving Creator full of grace does it?
Church, where is your wonder?
Church, where is your awe?
Why would Christ's work here on earth have to go through our limited understanding?
My friends, lets all be more faithful to all the crazy things God can do.

(The Corners)


  1. I love Elizabeth Barret Browning's poetry. Chris Rice has based some of his lyrics on her work as well.
    This is good stuff! Nice job...

  2. she is definitely one of my favorites. I've had a major crush on her for some time. :) What Chris Rice songs are based on Browning stuff?

  3. The idea of this sounds more illuminating now, and I'm thinkin' I'll appreciate the lanscape of that tune more once I hear it.

  4. Thanks man. There is actually a small portion of it in our ep teaser track on the myspace if you wanted to kind of get a glimpse of the economy of the song.

  5. This is a great entry, guys. "But only he who sees, takes off his shoes." That's so true. We all need to be more trusting with what God can do and stop pretending like we don't see what can be done. We need to stop being so unaware and open up our eyes and awaken our hearts. Two thumbs up! Lookin' forward to the song.

  6. thanks Tonia. you can hear a tiny preview of our stuff at


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